Friday, February 27, 2009

Sleepy slash bath time

This morning Kaylor has been crying and acting like she's uncomfortable/achey I'm guessing and a bath always makes her feel better so I set her on the washer like I always do to get her undressed and I walked over to the bath to fill it up and as soon as the water came on she stopped crying so I looked over and she was out cold! With in a matter of five seconds she went from crying to totally out and asleep. I thought it was pretty cute so I took a picture. All of you guys with kids have probably experienced stuff like this all the time, so it is no big deal to you guys...haha but it's new to me and I think it is so cute. She's so much fun and words can't even express how much I love her :)


Liz Lane said...

That's hilarious. How cute. Everything they do is a miracle. I'm so glad you are experiencing it.

jayandminalyn said...

How cute. Be careful she doesn't decide to fall off the washer. Did you still give her a bath?