Thursday, May 7, 2009

TeXaS fUn

It's binki gear for Kaylor...We are trying to get her to take a binki and she just kept spitting it out, so we taped it to her and not too long later she started sucking.
I bought this skirt for Kaylor the day we found out we were having a girl. I finally get to put it on her :)
When Jake was a baby and toddler he used to suck on his two fingers...hmmm looks like Kaylor picked up the same habbit from her Dad. She's always sucking on her two fingers.

And now she is officially taking the bottle. Unfortunately it has to be formula. She likes to hold it herself and actually does a really good job and doing it.

Random picture. I thought she looked cute so I snapped the camera.

Naked baby! I can feel the crawling coming on soon. She's starting to push around on her little tummy.

This is a view from our bedroom window. Very flat as you can see.
This is the gym at our apartment complex. I'm so excited. Jake and I go down every morning and work out together.

Kaylor loves playing with Jakes I.D badge. She lets out a big cry when we finally have to pry it from her little hands.
Back from the pool. She was very happy to get outside and play.

At the pool.
On her tummy. It's her new favorite thing now. Playing on her belly.

Dad and kaylor going swimming.


jayandminalyn said...

Those pictures are so cute. She is doing good on her stomach now, that's great.

Vicki said...

Wow--Texas is flat.

Those are all really cute pictures of Kaylor.

Donalyn said...

Looks like you guys are having fun. That is going to be fun for you guys, it is just sad to know you are not just an hour away.

Haley's life said...

duh. I can't believe i didn't know you moved to texas. Man i am out of the loop.

jayandminalyn said...

I just noticed the pictures were posted by Rose, how cute.