We went to chuck-a-rama. It was a lot of fun. Kaylor is getting so big. She's starting to smile more and is definately packing on the pounds.
I can't believe that no matter how much she crys or wakes me up during the night
when I'm so tired....It still doesn't bother me and I have not gotten annoyed of it yet! I'm used to the nephews and neices...When they would start crying I would get frustrated or annoyed and just hand them off to their parents. With Kaylor It's like there's nothing she can do to make me annoyed or frustrated. I LOVE being a mom. I can't explain how happy she makes me. It's just me and her all day every day. We take our naps together and everything :)
What can I say??? I LOVE HER TO DEATH!!!!!!
She is growing so fast and is so cute. Fun fun fun
Kim she is so cute. These are the first pictures I've seen where I feel like I can really tell what she looks like. She looks a little like you, but probably more like Jake? What's everyone say? She definitely has Jake's coloring.
What a cutie! I'm so excited for you. Being a Mom is one of those things you can't explain or describe well enough to someone without them actually experiencing it themselves.
You know the Love you feel for Kaylor...I think that must be the love Christ has for each of us. He loves us unconditionaly, no matter what we do.
She is so dang cute! I can't wait til I am not sick so I can hold her. I can't believe how alert she is
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